Saturday, March 1, 2008




A good day today. Hehe. Just woke up from sleep.

I’ve completed my acrylic painting. tick. I bought two earrings from the rainforest gallery. Yes, its not only they provide art lesson they also sale jewelleries. Hehe. Nice. I’ve been eyeing for the earrings since its cheap so I bought it! Yay! Nope I didn’t buy brushes. Haha. I’ll buy it next time.

What shall I do today? Hmm… oh I’ll play around Keri Smith little games that I got from her website. You should visit her. She is an excellent person and I like her website. So simple and clean. :) and I’m thinking I want to paint. I mean last paint before I hand in my portfolio to be assessed. On the 15th march, they/he’ll be checking my portfolios for Art and Design course. Wuhew. I hope I’ll get it and impress them/him. No.. not really a high expectation. I’m afraid I’ll be heart broken. :( haha. Oh.. lets pray hope that I’ll get it.

Last night,I’ve been dreaming. I dreamt that I want to open a small school for childrens. I mean art class where they can get messy, play around with the colors, read books. Nursery? Hmm.. is it nursery? Haha I don’t think so. Because I’ll invite adults too to come and learn how to paint. This would be fun. Everyone get messy. Hehehe. Yeah yeah.. its just a dream. Haha.

I’m still sleepy. I better take a shower before I go back to my bed and sleep. Haha.


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